WESU Archives Archive Feed: alex Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Mon, 24 Feb 2025 17:19:00 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: alex http://www.wesufm.org http://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 The I Do Not Know Show Episode #45 | Classik Az calls in | Alex Smith of Radio EcoShock calls the show and reads poetry. Spoken Mind Poetry and some radio chaos transpires and that is fine http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62710 <p>The lost episode #45 due to Archive system crash has been found and recovered! Here it is.&nbsp;</p> <p>The I Do Not Know Know Show #45 Radio As Art. &nbsp;A 3 and 1/2 (Three and One half) HOUR Show. First 2 hour covering for Classik Az with Az calling the Show &amp;&nbsp;Alex Smith of Radio EcoShock; he calls the show and reads poetry and introduces his show. + Spoken Mind Poetry and some radio chaos transpires (and that is fine.)</p> <p>THE AUDIO ISSUES:&nbsp;Well, this is a show that had it's share od tecnical isssues. The radio show's archive stream system went down and I had no knowledge of this at the time. The Live Call-ins went out onto the airways but were never heard via the headphones in studio A. A wild ride for sure. Both callers Classik Az and Alex Smith (of Radio EcoShock (both radio producers) could only speak directly to you without my ability to hear them. I only heard a fiant audio delay from outside studio A and see the vioce print being activated as they spoke! This archive refelcts the lack of audio interface i was able to manage as the phone conection to you went out live: yes! it went out live! &nbsp;</p> <p>And so too, this show was never avaialable till (now) Early on in May. (I'm hoping the link I post works as as type this)</p> <p>..... Thank you Viso (Classik Az), and Alex Smith (Radio Eco Shock) for your professional willingness to go out live on air on regardless of the issues before us. Now that's beautiful!&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>THE SHOW:It open with a audio mix created for 'The Do not Know Show' by Classik Az in order to transition from his human show to this human show. Then I felt a vibe of Az in the air since this extended program is her ,for the next two hours, the weekly time slot of Classik Az and those, who at first believe they are tuning in for his show. Whoooooooo....&nbsp;</p> <p>The opening poem is &quot;The Fool I Am' One of my signiture pieces and from my book 'Emotional Geography' 1996 / Press22 Publishing. More from Classik Az Mix tape sounds on and fades into yet another track from same as 'The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems &nbsp;/ &nbsp;Spoken Mind Poetry &nbsp;/ &nbsp;Vol. 1.4 &nbsp; / &nbsp; ' I Do Not Know' airs. next piece is from Vol. 1.4 &nbsp;/ &nbsp;As the world is' , (the voice &amp; spirit of Classsik Az comes in again).</p> <p>Here comes a little commentry on 'Inhunanity' and how 'Popular' it Is!&nbsp;</p> <p>Next: Spoken Mind Poem 'Who Are You' also from Vol. 1.4. the muc entering the back groud is again John Voight from his CD 'Outsider Bass' to back Spoken Mind Poem &quot;The Kingdoms Come' from Vol 1.1</p> <p>Please support free form radio by DONATING to&nbsp;<a href="http://www,wesufm.org">www,wesufm.org</a></p> <p>The Spirit of Classik Az comes to life and call the Show: (here comes all the technical issues) As the Show Must Go On!. Bare your listening way through the audio quality of this section. Background sound chosen by Az from his Mix CD. And so, I present to you &quot;Clissik Az, in his own words. He begins with an original poem and (after a brief interlude) a piece of his informitive soul to you about &nbsp;his radio show, life, poetry, HipHop and RAP to a track I believe is called 'TIME'! Happy International Poetry Month.&nbsp;</p> <p>On air plea to have Alex Smith to call in as we planned; regardless of the wonderful techno-caos that seems to challenge the will of free form radio to air-on! The track 'Time returns as a musical interlude.&nbsp;</p> <p>Now here comes some tracks from 'The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems / Spoken Mind Poetry' unreleased collection; beginning with: 'With the universe of love' &nbsp;then, some Spoken Mind poetry clips air before you hear 'All becomings Are'(the alarm sound is part of this piece , as Brian Eno's 'Discreet Music' comes to join it); the live recorded actual thunder joins the on-air mis as you hear next 'To kiss the birth of every end goodbye'.</p> <p>And NOW, (With some audio love from Brian Eno playing on) through the miricle or Radio and wonders of coas freed from fear. Alex Smith call-in with live on air reading of his original poem 'Waiting at the Train Station' from his self published book 'Table of Contents' Writen in Maraco. Alex goes on to share some words about his radio show and an up-coming episode, some info. about how to get tuned in and trurned on by his vital archives and weekly shows including web info. Radio EcoShock airs weekly on WESUfm.org and via 88.1 FM &nbsp;too. Please get human life on earth is worth saving for the future of life and the natural world; our home, and listen and follow and get informed with Alex Smith and his radio show &quot;Radio EcoShock'. &nbsp;</p> <p>Now from the published work &quot;The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems / &nbsp;Spoken Mind Poetry / Volume 1&quot; Form Vol. 1.1&nbsp;&quot;To the skin of the sky'; then 'Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' with the intro from the CD of the same name cranked-up to hear. the from Vol 1.1 'Listening to the Waves Crash' (as John Voigt's 'Outsider Bass' comes to fill the back ground with some live actual recorded thunder added).; also from Vol. 1.1 &quot;How will it End Now' &amp; &nbsp;'Happy is More Powerful than Reality' and from the unreleased collection of The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems / Spoken Mind Poetry &quot;Together Awlays'.</p> <p>What &nbsp;is next is vital to my heart's sharing release into the gift of your listening soul. &nbsp;A 17 minute piece and creative seeding to &nbsp;A Spoken Mind Story Collection &quot;Beyond All That Is The End&quot;</p> <p>Here comes a reading from the poetry of RUMI. I love RUMI</p> <p>Then a return of 'The I Do Not Know Show&quot; poetry radio art &nbsp;concerpt of 'The UnderWhisper Affect&quot; to the unreleased piece &quot; By the mind opening unto itself'; next another new radio art concept affect ithat plays with the recording speed infulences the the unreleased piece 'Within the End of Time's Hold'</p> <p>Closing this epic episode of The I Do Not Know Show is Leonard Cohen's &quot;Going Home&quot; &nbsp;and the Spoken Mind Poem (unreleased) 'Shared Possibilities Living' Leonard Cohen's 'Come Healing' &amp; 'Crazy to Love You'</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you, love you, and all my gratitude to you listeners,Your producer, host and spoken mind poet.&nbsp;</p> <p>CC Arshagra</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62710 Sat, 06 Apr 2013 23:37:00 GMT