WESU Archives Archive Feed: as Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:19:14 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: as http://www.wesufm.org http://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 The I Do Not Know Show E 136 C.C. Arshagra John Coltrane Buddy Rich Vivaldi and Spoken Mind Poetry Docu & Original Clips -extended hours episode http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/113603 <p>C.C. Arshagra's</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h1> <h2><strong>Episode 136 (Extended Hours show)</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><em><strong>Original Air date and time</strong></em></h3> <h3><em><strong>May 3rd , 29015 12:44 to 3 AM</strong></em></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Opening</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Original Poet Jazz Rock piece&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>&quot;With You&quot;</strong></h1> <p>&nbsp;Featuring&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <h2>Alvin B. Carter Jr &nbsp;- Drums</h2> </li> <li> <h2>Orice Jenkins - Keys and Synth Bass</h2> </li> <li> <h2>Monique Jarvis- Vocal &nbsp;Chorus&nbsp;</h2> </li> <li> <h2>Mel Hsu - Cello</h2> </li> <li> <h2>C.C. Arshagra -- &nbsp;Words and voice</h2> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>John Coltrane</strong></h2> <ul> <li> <h1>Spiriitual</h1> </li> <li> <h1>Alabama</h1> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Spoken Mind Poems</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <h1><strong>in the Arena of the Mind Shared</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1>to the gift of life recieved</h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>In a Free Sociaty</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>In the Waste of Time Not Here</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Everything That Is The truth To You</strong></h1> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>Docu-Clips</strong></h1> <ul> <li> <h1><strong>Koch Brothers Exposed</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Citizen Four</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Making A Killing&nbsp;</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Partiocrocy</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Pink Ribbon Inc</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>What In The World Are They Spraying<br type="_moz" /> </strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Nova</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Frontline</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>The Mystery of Cancer</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1>+ clip from &quot;Upper Cervical Ciropractor&nbsp;</h1> </li> <li> <h1>+ Geo-engineering w / Dane Wiggington</h1> </li> <li> <h1>+ Democrocry Now @ NYC Climate Change March - Univerity Fuel Divestment</h1> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Original Shorts</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li> <h1><strong>&quot; Excuse me, Professor?&quot;</strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Ego Crime - Afriad of the Human Ideal<br type="_moz" /> </strong></h1> </li> <li> <h1><strong>Outer Space News -Aliien invation - World IUnder </strong>Attack -clip from the WESU Original fake-news Series</h1> </li> </ul> <h1><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&quot;The Divide and Conquer News Report&nbsp;</strong></h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>Thank you Listeners.</h1> <h3><em><strong>There is no radio as art without the canvas of your listing mind</strong></em></h3> <h3><em><strong>your producer, host, and spoken mind poet, C.C. Arshag</strong></em>ra</h3> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/113603 Sun, 03 May 2015 00:44:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show CC Arshagra E 110 a 45 minute mash-up of The i Do Not Know Show and Premier Series episode of | The Divide and Conquer News Report | Is This Just A Question Game | Are we Human? What Is Human? http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91481 <h1>&nbsp;The I Do Not Know Show&nbsp;</h1> <h2>Episode 110</h2> <h1>C.C. Arshagra</h1> <h2>a 45 Mnute show&nbsp;</h2> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h2>a 45 minute mash-up</h2> <h2>of The i Do Not Know Show &amp;</h2> <h2>segments of the premier series episode of</h2> <h2>The Divide and Conquer News Report.</h2> <h2>and</h2> <h2><em><strong>Are we Human? What Is Human? Why do you believe<br /> you're more or less than one of all humans on earth? </strong></em></h2> <h2>Plus original Song&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Is This Just A Question Game</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Thank you Listeners,</h2> <h2>Your producer, host, and spoken mind poet,</h2> <h2>C.C. &nbsp;Arshagra</h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91481 Sun, 28 Sep 2014 02:14:00 GMT The Divide and Conquer News Report ~ Season 01 Episode 02 with Science and The Love of Money Report with CASH http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91373 <h2>C.C. Arshagra's</h2> <h1>The Divide and Conquer News Report&nbsp;</h1> <h2>Season 01 Episode 02</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>Headline News</h1> <h2>Dangerous Peace Terrorist!</h2> <h2><strong>&amp; Woman &quot;Pure&quot; Power in the Media</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>World News:</h1> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2><strong>Bomb All protester to Protect you!</strong></h2> <h2><strong><br /> YOU WILL Surrender the Internet.<br /> + The Rich need it to keep you Safe!</strong></h2> <h2><span style="font-size: 12px;"><br /> </span></h2> <h2>And &nbsp;MORE&nbsp;GOOD NEWS! <br /> The Divide &amp; Conquer News Report will now</h2> <h2>bring you the newest Diseases (Embedded as News)</h2> <h2><strong>----to Stop the Ads (from our whore master sponsors)<br /> that you don't like</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>The Divide &amp; Conquer Foreign News &quot;Woman&quot; <br /> <br /> Correction:&nbsp;</h1> <h2>She does not break-character&nbsp;</h2> <h2>and sound intelligent and educated<br /> (That was an audio glitch)&nbsp;</h2> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <h1>Divide &amp; Conquer Science Report</h1> <h2>FINALLY The Flat Earth Society conquers the myth&nbsp;</h2> <h2>about the world being a 3 dimensional round globe! &nbsp;</h2> <h3><strong>and</strong></h3> <h1>Divide &amp; Conquer Heath</h1> <h2>with Nurse Knews</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>TONIGHT'S Special!</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>The Love of Money Report</h1> <h2>Right from the mouth of CASH</h2> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <h2>And your (Guy Fav.) Eye Candy gal</h2> <h1>The Divide &amp; Conquer Weather</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><em><strong>Thank you Listener,&nbsp;</strong></em></h2> <h2><em><strong>C.C. Arshagra</strong></em></h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <p><strong>from your producer, host, and spoken Mind poet from&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>The i Do Not Know Show</strong></p> <p><strong>Airing Late-late Saturday Night 1:30 AM to 3 AM </strong></p> <p><strong>C.C. Arshagr</strong>a</p> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow">www.Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow</a></h3> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <h3><a href="http://www.Facebook.com/thedivideandconquernewsreport ">www.Facebook.com/thedivideandconquernewsreport </a></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91373 Fri, 26 Sep 2014 03:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show #100 a special What Do We Do Now? Episode with clips from Sacred Geometry and Seeds of Death and CC goes on an Are We Human? rant http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 <h4>OPENING MINUTES ARE THE END IS PREVIOS SHOW &quot;CLASSIK AZ.&quot; DON'T JUST TO FAST IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.&nbsp;</h4> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h1><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h1> <h1>Show #100</h1> <h1>The &quot;What Do We Do Now?&quot; Episode</h1> <h1>~ C.C. Arshagra</h1> <h2>&nbsp;Music:</h2> <h2>Pink Floyd / Wish You Were here</h2> <h2>john Voigt / Outsider Bass&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Documentary clips from:</h2> <h2>Sacred Geometry&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Seeds of Death</h2> <p>and</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Caller is set free on the air.</h2> <h2>Caller 'Arron' asks the question &quot;What do We Do Now? (thank you)</h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Thank You Listeners. Please support WESU,</h2> <h2>Let the station kmow you like &nbsp;The i Do Not Know Show</h2> <h2>Radio Show FB Page here &gt;&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow">www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow</a>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Your producer, host, and Spoken Mind Poet,</h2> <h2>C.C. Arshagra&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show | Episode #48 | Amanda Palmer's Controversial Boston Bombing Empathy Poem with Blog reading and Commentary C.C. Arshagra | http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/63532 <p>&nbsp;Episode #48 The I Do Not Know Show: Radio As Art! | &nbsp;April 28th, 1:30 Am to 3:01 AM. 2013</p> <p>THANK FOR LIKING THE RADIO SHOW'S FACEBOOK PAGE!&nbsp;<a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-I-Do-Not-Know-Show-WESUfmorg-ProducerHost-CC-Arshagra/152300761561399">www.facebook.com/pages/The-I-Do-Not-Know-Show-WESUfmorg-ProducerHost-CC-Arshagra/152300761561399</a></p> <p><br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;&gt;&gt;&gt; This one is special to the artist in us all. | &nbsp;<br /> Tonight opens with home phone recording of Wesleyan University alumni, Amanda Palmer, performing solo with just her uke on campus @ the Humanity Festival. An event produced by the Students to bring peace, attention and awareness to on campus tensions over race, class, religion, and sexual orientation. It was CHILL FEST!&nbsp;<br /> And so, after hearing (quite after-the-fact) about a poem Amanda Fucking Palmer wrote and posted on her blog. It was a real explosive media event. And So ... live on-air here: I read the poem. And then I read the blog about it commenting along the way. Amanda's handling of this media event is a fine testament to living imperfections and the vital role of art in life.<br /> It matters to hear this episode in whole.&nbsp;<br /> There are tears still falling over what happened in Boston and I feel your profound hollowed challenges of the heart, I Do.<br /> Boston, Cambridge, and Watertown were all once my home communities for I lived in the Boston area for 20 years, and today I still feel a piece of home with all who live a love life there,<br /> Today, I live to hear of your healing of family, friends, self, culture and all the world; to bring our spices to a higher living ideal of humanity and peace on earth than the harm that rules minds gone mad to behave within the perpetuation of hate.<br /> Followed by the song &quot;Critical of This&quot;&quot; and more excerpted recording from Amanda live at the Humanity Festive on the Campus of Wesleyan University. mashed up and bleeding into a piece of the song &quot;Is This Just A Question Game&quot;&nbsp;<br /> Now the show moves on to the Hartford Advocate's Best Of Reader's Poll Event late Thursday. The here words for the Children of Humanity from Rachel Adele, Uncle john, WESU's General Manager &quot;Big Bent&quot; Ben Michael, Adam, and Micky.&nbsp;<br /> Next: The I Do Not Know Show takes a moment to introduce Krystal Green as assist associate reporter! Welcome Krystal!<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Some Closing thoughts on Amanda Palmer's contribution to the arts and humanities.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank You Listeners! Please like the The I Do Not Know Show Facebook page &gt;&gt;&gt; https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-I-Do-Not-Know-Show-WESUfmorg-ProducerHost-CC-Arshagra/152300761561399</p> <p>The BLOG about the poem &quot;a poem for dzhokhar by Amanda Palmer &gt;&gt;&gt; http://amandapalmer.net/blog/20130423/<br /> The Poem &gt;&gt;&gt; http://amandapalmer.net/blog/20130421/<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/63532 Sun, 28 Apr 2013 01:30:00 GMT