WESU Archives Archive Feed: dose Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Mon, 24 Feb 2025 17:11:28 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: dose http://www.wesufm.org http://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 Pint O' Comics Episode 289 w/John Gebbia - DOSE! http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/387975 <p>&nbsp;Artist John Gebbia returns to Pint O' Comics between conventions - the recent Terrificon and the upcoming Plastic City Comic Con! We discuss everything regarding the continuation of DOSE, the crazy dystopian superhero story with drugs, sex, and Kaiju, as well as a number of other topics surrounding independent comic book publishing.</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/387975 Sun, 13 Aug 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 190 w/ artist John Gebbia http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/327921 <p>&nbsp;Closing in on the benchmark 200th show. Sir Jon has been enamoured with a fairly new comic book series called DOSE and had to share with the listening audience. Artist of the title is John Gebbia, who joins the show and even handles a first time event for his initial appearance. A fun hour of comics, art, and madness for Episode 190. Issues of DOSE are available now from your FLCS and It's Alive press.</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/327921 Sun, 18 Jul 2021 18:30:00 GMT