WESU Archives Archive Feed: floyd Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:11:29 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: floyd http://www.wesufm.org http://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 The I Do Not Know Show #100 a special What Do We Do Now? Episode with clips from Sacred Geometry and Seeds of Death and CC goes on an Are We Human? rant http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 <h4>OPENING MINUTES ARE THE END IS PREVIOS SHOW &quot;CLASSIK AZ.&quot; DON'T JUST TO FAST IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.&nbsp;</h4> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h1><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h1> <h1>Show #100</h1> <h1>The &quot;What Do We Do Now?&quot; Episode</h1> <h1>~ C.C. Arshagra</h1> <h2>&nbsp;Music:</h2> <h2>Pink Floyd / Wish You Were here</h2> <h2>john Voigt / Outsider Bass&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Documentary clips from:</h2> <h2>Sacred Geometry&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Seeds of Death</h2> <p>and</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Caller is set free on the air.</h2> <h2>Caller 'Arron' asks the question &quot;What do We Do Now? (thank you)</h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Thank You Listeners. Please support WESU,</h2> <h2>Let the station kmow you like &nbsp;The i Do Not Know Show</h2> <h2>Radio Show FB Page here &gt;&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow">www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow</a>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Your producer, host, and Spoken Mind Poet,</h2> <h2>C.C. Arshagra&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show #93 Experimental Radio Art Episode C.C. Arshagra | Russell Means | Pink Floyd | Funk Physics | The Divide & Conquer News Report http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/83185 <h2>The I Do Not Know Show #93</h2> <h2><strong>CC Arshagra &nbsp; | &nbsp;Russell Means &nbsp; | &nbsp;Pink Floyd &nbsp; | &nbsp;</strong></h2> <h2><strong>Funk Physics &nbsp; | &nbsp;the Divide and Conquer News Report </strong></h2> <h2><strong>--A Live in Stuido Art-Mix Episode.</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;~</p> <h2>Pink Floyd</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Wish You Were Here<br type="_moz" /> </strong></li> <li><strong>Shine On ( Part 1 )&nbsp;</strong></li> <li><strong>Snine On ( Part 2 )</strong>&nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Welcome to the Machine</strong></li> </ul> <h2>Funk Physics&nbsp;(CC Arshagra &amp; Derrik Bosse)&nbsp;</h2> <ul> <li><strong>War Monky Leaders</strong></li> </ul> <h2>Russell Means</h2> <h3>Soursre: Alex Jones</h3> <ul> <li><strong>We Are All On The Rerervation Now</strong></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/83185 Sun, 04 May 2014 01:20:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show / Episode #044 | RUMI | Crying NPR | Premier of a "Spoken Mind Story" | Live created poetry: music by Brian Eno, Pink Floyd plus "Is This Just A Question Game" http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62438 <p>Originally aired March 31th, 2013 Episode 44. The night opens with a created-live &quot;Spoken Mind Poem<em>Your will to be is here&quot;</em></p> <p>Now the fun with fusion begins: the stock market gets it with <em>&quot;No consciousness of life&quot;</em> a Spoken Mind Poem as the thrunder moves in and The UnderWhisper Afftect slides below with one of your host's signiture poems <em>&quot;Captured by Love&quot;</em> &nbsp;then the tough-love comes down onf NPR <em>&quot;Free yourself NPR!'</em>&nbsp;</p> <p>Another Live on-air created Spoken Mind Poem &quot;Set Agianst Some Other Out There ... Hello?&quot;</p> <p>Next the fine composed and engieered poetic workings of Clasik Az from his private collection: the piece <em>&quot;Big Headed People ...&quot;&nbsp;</em></p> <p>Now here comes a first... The First airing of the creative child of &quot;Spoken Mind Poetry&quot;. The first &quot;Spoken Mind Story&quot; titled <em>&quot;The Battlefield of Fear&quot;</em></p> <p>Thank You Listeners Around the Planet&quot;</p> <p>A reading of the work of <strong>RUMI</strong>, &nbsp;from the book &quot;The Illuminated Rumi&quot; (only one word flub: sorry)</p> <p>More tough-love to Public Radio with an another unreleased track from &quot;The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poem's Spoken Mind Poem <em>&quot;Okay ...you are being lied to.&quot;</em></p> <p>Another live created poem <em>&quot;Oh, the gratitude of it all&quot;</em></p> <p>Followed by Spoken Mond Poem,<em>&quot;Live the return of this love&quot;</em> with the underscore music of Brian Eno from the album 'Discrete Music' / Side B <em>&quot;Three variations on (Joh Pacebell's) Cannon in D Major&quot;</em> (Side B) with some time-line, in-studeo, live brakes and editing.</p> <p>Again:&nbsp;Another reading from the works of <strong>RUMI</strong>, from the book &quot;The Illuminated Rumi&quot;</p> <p>Spoken Mind Poem <em>&quot;That Is All&quot;</em> as The UnderWhisper Effect is here too.</p> <p>Spoken Mind Poem <em>&quot;Constant End of Eternal Fear</em>&quot; with The UnderWhisper Effect&quot; and Eno (with in-studio cuts and mix) returns. and here, near the piese's end, listen low as Pink Floyd's &quot;Wish You Were Here&quot; drifts about in the distant rhelms&nbsp;</p> <p><em>&quot;Wish You Were Here&quot;</em> by Pink Floyd</p> <p><em>&quot;Is This Just A Question Game&quot;</em> an original song from 'Raw As When A Poet Sings&quot; CD project</p> <p>Closing with &quot;Teeth and Claw&quot; (Partial with time speed effect)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you Listeners! Thank You Listeners! Thank You Listeners!,</p> <p>&nbsp;Your producer, host and Spoken Mind Poet,&nbsp;</p> <p>C.C. Arshagra</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62438 Sun, 31 Mar 2013 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show Episode #043 Are We Human? http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62174 <p>Breathe in. Breath out. It begins here; The I Do Not Know Show / Episode #043 stirs the silt at the show's riverbed once again exploring the themes' surounding ----the radio as art show's 'UnderFocus' &quot;Are We Human ?&quot;</p> <p>First up in the list of word pieces; &quot;The Bottom Line Needs Money' ( Unreleased from Vol.2 of The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poem / Spoken Mind Poetry. )</p> <p>Leading the under current of songs and sounds, the Spoken Mind Poems, Lyric readings, and Poems begins with Blind Faith's &quot;Had To Cry Today&quot; and then &quot;Can't Find my&nbsp;way Home&quot;&nbsp;</p> <p>Wow, sorry to wake the living lie premiating your media fed mind but the music cuts to &quot;Food and Health and Hope' by the UK Artists-activist Band 'Sieze the Day'&nbsp;</p> <p>followed by the Spoken Mind Poems:</p> <p>&quot;Wake Up&quot;,</p> <p>&quot;A monment That Lasted A Lifetime&quot;, &quot;</p> <p>&quot;harvest the Lessons&quot;,</p> <p>&quot;You Have A Life'</p> <p>The under music with occational live sudio interjections of 'The UnderWhisper Affect' moves the listening subtect to &quot;With You&quot; the instrumental version from the 'Raw As When A Poet Sings&quot; project. drums by Alvin Bejamin Carter jr. and keys by Orice jenkins.</p> <p>This audio experiment continues to back a reading of 'functionalism #5 (from the unpublished press22publishing's poetry manuscript 'functionalism' and ----then here comes King Crimson's &quot;prelude: Song of the Gulls' backing 'The Sun and the Earth' (also unreleased work from Vol. 2 The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems / Spoken Mind Poetry werein the music of the Prelude leads in the next track of the CD Islands by King Crimson with the CDs title track all the way to the near end of the song when--</p> <p>&quot;Shine On You Crazy Diamond' by Pink Floyd' off the CD 'Wish You &nbsp;Were Here' airs with a reading of two lyrics from 'Raw As When A Poet Sings' lyric-book manuscrpt; a press22publishing's unreleased publication: The Sun's Coming Up' and &nbsp;'Naomi'</p> <p>'The Sun's Comming Up' &amp; 'Naom'i (Live on-air in-sudio reading) from &quot;The Lyric Writer'( Unpublishd manucsript) press22publishing&nbsp;</p> <p>The show returns to King Crimsoms' Islands to close the show.</p> <p>Thnak you LISTENERS!, CC</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/62174 Sun, 24 Mar 2013 01:32:00 GMT