WESU Archives Archive Feed: voigt Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Mon, 24 Feb 2025 11:23:59 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: voigt http://www.wesufm.org http://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 The I Do Not Know Show Episode 111 the Do Not Listen to What You Are About to Hear episode plus voices and music of B. Dylan L Cohen J Mitchell J Voigt H Ellison Tupac F Kuti C Chaplin J Lennon Y Ono and Spoken Mind Poetry http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91900 <h1><strong>C.C. Arshagra's&nbsp;</strong></h1> <h1><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h1> <h2>Episode 111 ~&nbsp;<strong>Do not listen to what you are about to hear.&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Spoken Mind Poetry</h2> <h1>Angels All Will Come</h1> <h2>The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems&nbsp;Vol. 1&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>Warning:</h1> <h1>Do Not Listen to What You Are About to Hear</h1> <h2>Part 1-5</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Bob Dylan reads</h2> <h1>T.S. Elliot's 'The Waste Land'</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Joni Mitchell&nbsp;</h2> <h1>The Fiddle and the Drum&nbsp;</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Leonard Cohen</h2> <h1>A Thousand Kisses Deep</h1> <h2>(Live in Londen 2009)</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><strong>Music (over and under scoring)&nbsp;</strong></h2> <h1>John Voigt - <em>OUTSIDER BASS</em></h1> <h2>Extending Boundries of Composition and Performance</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>R-Dizzle &quot;How to be A Rapper&quot;</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Harlan Ellison / Pay the Writer&nbsp;</h2> <h1><strong>Excerpt: DREAMS WITH SHARP TEETH</strong></h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>Tupac / 2PAC&nbsp;</strong></h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Spoken Mind Poetry</h2> <h1>In Order To Love</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Fela Kuti:</h2> <h1>&nbsp;Fela Kuti: Music Is the Weapon<br /> &nbsp;1982, from documentary</h1> <p>contains interviews with Fela detailing his thoughts on politics,</p> <p>Pan-Africanism, music and religion, alongside unpublished versions of songs like ITT,</p> <p>Army Arrangement and Power Show.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Spoken Mind Poetry</h2> <h1>Happy Is More Powerful than Reality</h1> <h2><strong>The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems -&nbsp;Vol. 1&nbsp;</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>(PROMO BREAK) see archives<a href="http:// www.wesufm.org"> www.wesufm.org</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h1>Charlie Chaplin &nbsp;<br /> Inspirational final speech in &quot;The Great Dictator&quot;&nbsp;</h1> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <h2>John Lennon &amp; Yoko One</h2> <h1>Documentary Excerpt&nbsp;</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;show goes out with&nbsp;</p> <h1>Nina Simone</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><em><strong>THANK YOU ALL So very much, dear and wonderful LISTENERS,</strong></em></h3> <h3><em><strong>Your producer host and spoken mind poet, C.C. Arshagra</strong></em></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/91900 Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:35:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show #100 a special What Do We Do Now? Episode with clips from Sacred Geometry and Seeds of Death and CC goes on an Are We Human? rant http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 <h4>OPENING MINUTES ARE THE END IS PREVIOS SHOW &quot;CLASSIK AZ.&quot; DON'T JUST TO FAST IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.&nbsp;</h4> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h1><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h1> <h1>Show #100</h1> <h1>The &quot;What Do We Do Now?&quot; Episode</h1> <h1>~ C.C. Arshagra</h1> <h2>&nbsp;Music:</h2> <h2>Pink Floyd / Wish You Were here</h2> <h2>john Voigt / Outsider Bass&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Documentary clips from:</h2> <h2>Sacred Geometry&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Seeds of Death</h2> <p>and</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Caller is set free on the air.</h2> <h2>Caller 'Arron' asks the question &quot;What do We Do Now? (thank you)</h2> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Thank You Listeners. Please support WESU,</h2> <h2>Let the station kmow you like &nbsp;The i Do Not Know Show</h2> <h2>Radio Show FB Page here &gt;&gt;&gt; <a href="http://www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow">www..Facebook.com/theidonotknowshow</a>&nbsp;</h2> <h2>Your producer, host, and Spoken Mind Poet,</h2> <h2>C.C. Arshagra&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/86756 Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show #79 CC Arshagra Premier of Open words to Mr. President John Coltrane Oliver Stone And the return of first few episodes of radio art series Push Pinbrow and more http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/77404 <h2><strong>Welcome to Episode #79 of </strong></h2> <h2><strong>The I Do Not Know Show</strong></h2> <ul> <li>Notice! &quot;The Protest Ghost&quot; once again (appeared?) in Stidio A</li> <li>I'll return to clear up the Decription soon it's ball Park for now</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> </ul> <h3><strong>John Coltrane (up first with) Spiritua</strong>l</h3> <ul> <li>from the Complete 1961 Village Vangard Recording [Disc 4]</li> </ul> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CC opens with a Love humanity rant and hello to the president</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; with a hey nod to the sheeple of the inhuman</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Premier <br /> </strong></p> <p><strong>Intro clip to open words to Mr. President</strong></p> <p>The &quot; Presious Air &quot;&nbsp; radio Art skit series did not Air tonight.</p> <p>And intro promo with Amy LaBosserie</p> <ul> <li>Both had A tech glitch:: I</li> <li>ll air next week (unless i forget I'm perfect lol)</li> </ul> <p>NEXT</p> <h3>Artist / Song Title: <strong>Propaganda&nbsp; /&nbsp; I Ain't Got An Answer</strong></h3> <h3><strong>Open words to Dear Mr. President #01</strong></h3> <ul> <li>music John Coltrane / Spiritual</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Open words to Dear Mr. President #02</strong></h3> <ul> <li>music John Coltrane track Spiritual &amp;&nbsp;</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Open words to Dear Mr. President #03</strong></h3> <ul> <li> <h4><strong>With You</strong> (original) CC Arshagra (instumental (early version 1)</h4> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;(instumental verion)</p> <h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Music / composition</h3> <h2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; by <strong>Alvin Bejamic Carter Jr. &amp;&nbsp; Orice Jenkins</strong></h2> <p><strong>Next: #4</strong></p> <ul> <li>intruped by Terry Gross / NPR / Fresh Air (excerpt)</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Open words to Dear Mr. President #04</strong></h3> <ul> <li>War Monkey Leaders (original)</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CC Arshagra (words voice non-vox track) and Derrik Bosse (music / composition)</p> <p>NEXT / NEXT / NEXT</p> <h3><strong>Push Pinbrow</strong></h3> <ul> <li>#1, #2 #3 1st re-airing of an I Do Not Know Show radio art skit</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Oliver Stone and Amy Goodman and ... </strong></h3> <ul> <li><strong>Excerpt of Democracy Now<br /> </strong></li> </ul> <h3><strong>&nbsp;More Music: by John Voigt / Outsider Bass</strong></h3> <h3><strong>Derrik Bosse (Instumental Composition and record version of &quot;War Monkey Leaders&quot; </strong></h3> <h3><strong>by Funk Physics -C.C. Arshagra &amp; Derrik Bosse</strong></h3> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <p>Thank you Listers,</p> <p>Your producers, host and Spoken Mind Poet C.C. Arshagra</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/77404 Sun, 26 Jan 2014 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show Episode #77 Featuring Amiri Baraka / Leroy Jones with Charles Mingus John Voigt and Spoken Mind Poetry http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/76573 <p>&nbsp;The i Do Not Know Show -Episode 070</p> <p>Special Tribute to Amiri Baraka aka Leroy Jones&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Opening</p> <p>Charles Mingus - Moanin</p> <ul> <li>includes an improvised Jazz poem</li> </ul> <p>Opening props, rant, and gratitude</p> <p>John Voigt / Outsider Bass</p> <p>Expanding Boundaries in Composition and performance</p> <ul> <li>CC Arshagra - Conscious Love 1</li> <li>CC Arshagra - Conscious Love 2</li> <li>CC Arshagra - Conscious Love 3</li> </ul> <p>Thurston Moore (of Sonic Youth fame)</p> <ul> <li>at the 1997 Vision Festival in New York&nbsp;<a href="http://art-energy.org/musicians.html">art-energy.org/musicians.html</a>&nbsp;CC Arshagra -Audio-Cut&nbsp;</li> <li>this reading from Voigt's Art-Energy work -goes with fa little sound fusion from Mingus Voigt</li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;John Voigt &nbsp;-&nbsp;/ Outsider Bass</p> <ul> <li>Expanding Boundaries in Composition and performance (Music)</li> <li>Amiri Baraka / Leroy Jones -(reads)</li> <li>Amiri Baraka / Leroy Jones - Whales (reads)</li> </ul> <p>CC Arshagra - Poems For Jesus #04 (reads)</p> <p>show returns to the exerimental Art Enery pice written by John Voigt (link above)</p> <p>CC Arshagra The Skin of the Sky &nbsp;/from Vol. 1 of &quot;The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems&nbsp;</p> <p>CC Arshagra Pure Wrongness &nbsp;from Vol. 1 of &quot;The ID (Inkless Dialogue) Poems</p> <p>Amiri Baraka / Leroy Jones -Dope&nbsp;</p> <p>Amiri Baraka / Leroy Jones - Somebody Blew Up America Sax by ...TBA</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>special thanks to Democracy Now!&nbsp;</p> <p>THANK YOU LISTENERS!</p> <p>CC Arshagra</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> http://wesu.streamrewind.com/http://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/76573 Sun, 12 Jan 2014 01:32:00 GMT