WESU Archives Archive Feed: music Archived radio content http://www.wesufm.org Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:26:47 GMT WESU Archives Archive Feed: music http://www.wesufm.org https://wesu.streamrewind.com/banners/6.png 850 192 Pint O' Comics Episode 356 - Post Turkey Day Fun https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/422196 <p>&nbsp;One last show of music and comments from your host before rolling into the last of the year. Tunes from Viper Rash, the Neil Gaiman Four String Quartet, Dan the Bard, Bugs Bunny (Carl Stalling), Tim Truman, and others. Donate to WESU and keep us on the air for 85 more years!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/422196 Sun, 01 Dec 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 354 w/ Zachary Ashford - POLYPHEMUS https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/421184 <p>&nbsp;Music. Otherworldly pacts. Friendship. Hopes, dreams, desires. Metal. Chaos and misery. The band Polyphemus is just on the cusp of making a big break - and yet... it all goes wrong. Zachary Ashford's book from Encyclopocalypse Publications is ready to tempt you all with the edges of a positive future with a healthy dose of gore and horror.Learn about the book here, along with a fun selection of other topics as Zach and Sir Jon wind their way through the show. Find the book now wherever good books are sold, or the Encyclopocalypse Publications website!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/421184 Sun, 17 Nov 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 353 - Music of Pop Culture and Aug Stone! https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/420673 <p>&nbsp;Shy of a full hour guest I chose to run some songs and music created by a variety of folks straddling the pop culture spectrum. A sleep of unusual music of various genres, plus a visit from Aug Stone, a previous guest of the show, sharing out his nearby book tour dates for SPORTING MOUSTACHES! A full hour of odd fun.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/420673 Sun, 10 Nov 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 345 w/ The Cybertronic Spree https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/416099 <p>&nbsp;The Cybertronic Spree are a band of rocking 'Bots and 'Cons that just couldn't stand still. Playing songs well known from the 1986 Transformers Animated Movie soundtrack as well as their own songs off their album RAVAGE, the group has been thrilling fans for some time, and are currently touring Eastern USA. Hot Rod and Arcee sat in with your host for a little fun and overview of the group themselves, as they're appearing in the WESU vicinity for the next few gigs. Listen in on one excited host and two very cool 'Bots!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/416099 Sun, 08 Sep 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 344 w/ George O'Connor https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/415602 <p>&nbsp;Writer and wholly underrated talent George O'Connor returned to the show to ostensibly discuss the upcoming VAMPIRE ON MARS #2 crowdfund, but he's got so much going on worth talking about we barely squeezed it in during the hour! Lots of fun, music, and all-around comics on another&nbsp; Pint O' Comics program!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/415602 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 326 w/ Dave TenEyck https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/406641 <p>&nbsp;Connecticut is loaded with talented artists but few have weird secret origins with the host of the program. David TenEyck is a musician and graphic artist of note, with band TIME OF DAY and webtoons comic under the same title. Learn all about both *and* our weird and fun story all within the hour. Donate to WESU during the Spring pledge drive and get us to shut up about it quicker! Freeform radio for the win.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/406641 Sun, 28 Apr 2024 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 308 - Xmas Holidaze https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/397514 <p>&nbsp;No guest for the Xmas Eve, so a series of silly songs and fun for the whole shebang. Shatner Clause awaits you.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/397514 Sun, 24 Dec 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 297 w/ Jeff Blaney - The Devil's Hopyard https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/391973 <p>&nbsp;Musician Jeff Blaney has been creating tunes in the blues, folk, and ballad areas for some time now, with many albums with themes. His latest, THE DEVIL'S HOPYARD is a ghost story centering on the Connecticut State Park of the same, notorious name. Listen in as we discuss it, his music, and all the great things he's been associated with.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/391973 Sun, 08 Oct 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 286 w/ Scott "BabyDaddy" Hoffman https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/386485 <p>&nbsp;Scott Hoffman is new to comics in a creative way, but not to being creative. Known better for his music with his band the Scissor Sisters, he's brought a new comic book by way of the digital platform Comixology, to readers. That comic is NOSTALGIA (your pronunciation may vary) and is surrounds a musician of the near future dealing with some intense issues of self, as well as being a retired revolutionary. It's entertaining reading with the art of Danijel Zezelj and Lee Loughridge all available now. Hear our meandering discussion of the comic, as well as music and comic interests.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/386485 Sun, 23 Jul 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 283 - Holiday Special https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/384989 <p>&nbsp;Taking a brief break from regular programming to play music, bits, comedy, and express a few opinions. It's Independence Day weekend in the US, so let's play.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/384989 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 271 w/ Stephan Franck https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/378936 <p>&nbsp;Stephan Franck has a long list of credits to his name in animation work, but we spend the majority of the hour talking about PALOMINO, his graphic novel series published through his own imprint and being Kickstarted in a few short days. PALOMINO is a period set mystery that falls into neo-noir with a musical backdrop alongside Los Angeles and the surrounding area. A solid piece of storytelling, it succeeds in drawing the reader deep into the subject, leaving you wanting more. Find out why in this show!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/378936 Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 266 w/ Gorman Bechard https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/375865 <p>&nbsp;In 1970, the rock festival circuit came to a near dead stop with the never-quite-happened Powder Ridge Rock Festival in Middlefield, Connecticut. Bands were booked, tickets sold in the multitudes, and then the powers-that-be shut it down. Hard. Regardless, concertgoers showed up and camped out on the skiing hill in the hot month of August, pushing the tiny community to the end of their wits. What was it all about? Who wanted it on, who wanted it off? Gorman Bechard, movie documentarian of such films as PIZZA: A LOVE STORY and COLOR ME OBSESSED is currently working on a full documentary of the Powder Ridge Rock Fest, which we discuss at length in this episode. Good music, good fun, all strange and weird with hippies and conservatives looking back at a turning point in music and concerts. Look for the ongoing crowd funding effort for the movie here:&nbsp;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/powder-ridge-music-festival-documentary-phase-2?fbclid=IwAR1OYdS5ti9aeFWAFUVKKOmSduwPfYbGyerYgH27d2VhyJnMLE29JWtMHYs#/</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/375865 Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 258 - New Year, New Music https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/371788 <p>&nbsp;Holiday shows are weird and all my plans fell apart. So, I run some music and comedy for you from 1955 to 2022. Monty Python! ILLUS (Adam Wallenta)! Kinky Friedman (and friends)! The Cybertronic Spree! Steve Martin! Dan the Bard! LORD BUCKLEY. A crammed hour of fun for you fine listeners.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/371788 Sun, 01 Jan 2023 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 230 w/ Co de Kloet https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/357659 <p>&nbsp;Frank &amp; Co, Conversations with Frank Zappa 1979 -1993 is a book compiling recorded conversations with music producer Co de Kloet and noted musician Frank Zappa. For this episode of the Pint O' Comics program we stray far and wide discussing Frank, music, conversational recordings, and a whole lot more that didn't quite make it into the restrainst of the hour. Check it out and enjoy learning more about the great man called Zappa.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/357659 Sun, 19 Jun 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 225 - They All Can't be Zingers https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/354385 <p>&nbsp;Stealing a quote from Johnny Ganache, this episode lost steam about 20 minutes in and whimpered out in the end. After a trying week and no guest scheduled, your host plays some &quot;things to make you smile&quot; and just ended up buggering the whole shebang. Enjoy if you can. More entertaining topics next week.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/354385 Sun, 15 May 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 219 ~ Gary Con XIV Dedications/Requests https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/350351 <p>&nbsp;While away at Gary Con, Sir Jon lost his voice and wasn't able to record discussions for this show. So, more music as requested by attendees of the show with a few dedications spotted through by your host. Fun and loud tunes to play for an hour. Enjoy!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/350351 Sun, 03 Apr 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 218 - Get Moxified with StraddleDaddy https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/349679 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon was away at Gary Con XIV and left the regular listeners with an hour of his favourite local band, StraddleDaddy. The band has been around for close to 20 years but has been inactive for a few of those due to the usual life, living, and pursuit of happiness. As they ramp up for some new appearances, with new songs on the way, enjoy a retrospective of their 3 CD releases from the previous years. Crank up the volume and get dancing to the coolest band to hit the Connecticut (and beyond) circuit since Jasper Wrath.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/349679 Sun, 27 Mar 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 209 Betty White and Quarto Books https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/343724 <p>&nbsp;Ray Richmond, writer of Betty White: 100 Greatest Moments in a Remarkable Life visits the Pint and discusses the recently passed actress for the first half of the hour. Then Steve Roth, frequent guest of the show, returns to inform us of many interesting upcoming publications, from Frank Zappa to David Bowie to Cheap Trick! A full hour for the listening audience.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/343724 Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 206 - Recalling 2021 https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/341960 <p>&nbsp;Songs, suggestions and recollections of Sir Jon's favourite things from 2021. Hear how it sounds when running three CD players, a computer app, and talking points all by oneself. Who needs engineers?</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/341960 Sun, 02 Jan 2022 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 204 - Bond, James Bond https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/340782 <p>&nbsp;On the last live show of 2021, Sir Jon mumbles and fumbles his way through the Best of James Bond, a CD collection of the movie themes through the years. Find out which movie is his favourite and which may not be. Enjoy 50 years of Bond!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/340782 Sun, 19 Dec 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 201 - Celebrate Carl Stalling https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/337832 <p>&nbsp;Another hour of music with Sir Jon as Pint O' Comics floods WESU airwaves with the creative insanity of Carl Stalling, a name that should be known to anyone that grew up watching Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. Carl was the Music Director for Leon Schlesinger's studio, who did the animated shorts for Warner Bros. From the mid-thirties to the late fifties, Carl made music for almost every animated cartoon for WB, producing a body of work that transcends orchestral style. It is unlikely any of the Warner Bros. characters would have turned out the same without the notes, cues, and music that Carl Stalling put to the craziness we were entertained with. Enjoy this celebration of an incredibly talented man.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/337832 Sun, 14 Nov 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 200 - Where's Neil When You Need Him? https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/337241 <p>&nbsp;After an over long absence, Pint O' Comics returns to the airwaves with Sir Jon playing the 2006 CD release, Where's Neil When You Need Him from Dancing Ferret Discs. This particular CD is from Sir Jon's own collection but had never been opened, so he does so on air for your amusement. Roughly ten or so of the 17 songs are played before show's end. Enjoy!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/337241 Sun, 07 Nov 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 194 - Robert Mitchum Sings Calypso https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/330230 <p>&nbsp;For the last live Pint radio episode for the forseeable future (thank you COVID) Sir Jon spins the 1957 recording of Robert Mitchum singing calypso - Calypso is Like So...&nbsp; As a major icon of pop culture, as well as the flare up of calypso music at that time in general, it all fits within the focus of the Pint. Enjoy the wonderful brand new LP pressing!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/330230 Sun, 15 Aug 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 182 - What Runs Underneath https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/322696 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon let's you listen to a selection of music used to decorate the shows heavy on discussion. From The Beach Boys to Ulpio Minucci, it's a wide array of all musical inspiration. Enjoy!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/322696 Sun, 16 May 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 181 - I'm A Star Wars https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/322103 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon spins the original Star Wars soundtrack by John Williams. He also has a few things to say about fandom.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/322103 Sun, 09 May 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 178 - The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/320311 <p>&nbsp;An hour long retrospective of the great Wes Anderson movie, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, starring Bill Murray. A personal favourite of Sir Jon, we try and cram as much of the soundtrack into an hour as possible. Enjoy!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/320311 Sun, 18 Apr 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 171 - Wakanda Forever! https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/314978 <p>&nbsp;Celebrating Black History Month with arguably the most successful Black superhero in recent memory, the Black Panther. 2018 brought King T'Challa and all of Wakanda to the silver screen in his first solo movie, a blockbuster hit. Listen to as much of Ludwig G&ouml;ransson's stunning score as Sir Jon can pack into the hour. Cheers from the Pint!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/314978 Sun, 14 Feb 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 170 - Happy Birthday John Belushi https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/313263 <p>&nbsp;Celebrating what would have been John Belushi's 72nd birthday with the entirety of Blues Brothers: Made in America, as well as a few other choice selectios.&nbsp;</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/313263 Sun, 24 Jan 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 168 - A Super Evening https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/312123 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon spins music focusing on one of the most positive characters in pop culture - SUPERMAN.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/312123 Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 165 - Festivus Holidaze https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/310404 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon and Ganache discuss their pop culture topics surrounded by songs and such. Happy Festivus from all at Pint O' Comics.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/310404 Sun, 20 Dec 2020 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 160 - High Fidelity https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/305797 <p>&nbsp;Sir Jon explores the High Fidelity soundtrack during a lull in discussion guest availability.</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/305797 Sun, 25 Oct 2020 18:30:00 GMT Pint O' Comics Episode 108: Sir Jon Spins White Trash https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/266163 <p>&nbsp;As is the way with Pint O' Comics, chaos reigns. No guest, no Ganache, no special guest co-host. So, Sir Jon wings it, playing the entirety of Edgar Winter's White Trash album, released March 1, 1971. Enjoy!</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/266163 Sun, 14 Jul 2019 18:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show Episode 150 A 1st I Do Not Know Who My Live Guest is Show with LiveCa7 Sound healer https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/123559 <p><strong>&nbsp;C.C. Arshagra's&nbsp;</strong></p> <h1>The I Do Not Know Show</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Episode 150</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><em><strong>Original Air Date</strong></em></h2> <h2><em><strong>Sunday August 30th @ 1:30 to 3 AM</strong></em></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Tonight</h2> <h2><strong>An &quot;I Do Not Know Show&quot; 1st</strong></h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1>The I Do Not Know Who My Live In-Studio Guest Is</h1> <h4>&nbsp;&nbsp;</h4> <h1>LiveCa7</h1> <h2>SOUND HEALER</h2> <h3><em>Musician, engineer, inventor, &amp; DJ</em></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>And the show goes home with</h2> <h1>RUMI</h1> <h1>I See My Beauty In You</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2>Read by Coleman Barks!&nbsp;</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>Enjoy</strong></h1> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <h2>In the Middle of the Night</h2> <h2>In the Middle of the Weekend</h2> <h2>On the Middle of your Forehead</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong><em>All shows Stream 24/7 for 14 daysThank You Listeners,</em></strong></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h2><em><strong>The is no radio as art without you,</strong></em></h2> <h2><em><strong>Your producer, host and spoken mind poet, C.C. Arshagra</strong></em></h2> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/123559 Sun, 30 Aug 2015 01:30:00 GMT The I Do Not Know Show #98 C.C Arshagra's Spoken Mind Poetry This episode fuses Capitalism Putin Democracy Cheney Bush Oil Gas Currency IFLAS and Ruby Dee the music of SunRa Coltrane Alvin B Carter Orice Jeniks Monique Jarvis Mel Hsu Derrik Bosse https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/85971 <h1>&nbsp;The I Do Not Know Show</h1> <h1>#98</h1> <h1>&nbsp;</h1> <h1>Spoken Mind Poetry</h1> <ul> <li> <h3><strong>Track 1 from The Companion CD</strong></h3> </li> </ul> <h3>to the 4 disc series The ID (inkless Dialogue) Poems</h3> <ul> <li> <h3>Pure Wrongnes&nbsp;</h3> </li> </ul> <h3><strong>&nbsp;with the music of John Voigt &nbsp;/ Outside Bass</strong></h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Introduction Track &nbsp;from The ID inkless Diaaloge Poem</p> <p>Being Round.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> https://wesu.streamrewind.com/https://wesu.streamrewind.com/bookmarks/listen/85971 Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:30:00 GMT