WESU Archives: Pint O' Comics Episode 349 w/ Josh Noel - Malört! I'll Have Another

Episode Info

Pint O' Comics

Original Aired:
Sunday, October 13th, 2024
6:30PM to 7:30PM

1 hour

Sunday, October 13th, 2024 6:36PM

chicago swedish sweden joshnoel jeppsonsmalort wormwood alcohol liquour liquor besk


Episode: Pint O' Comics Episode 349 w/ Josh Noel - Malört! I'll Have Another

 Jeppson's Malört is a wormwood liquour that was primarily a Chicago-area based beverage of repute for sixty-odd years before becoming something of an acknowledged taste during a massive rise in uncanny interest over the last 20. Your host has known of it - and made mention of it frequently - over the last decade. Writer Josh Noel has compiled a detailed history of the drink, it's origins, owners, and surprising longevity called MALÖRT THE REDEMPTION OF A REVERED AND REVILED SPIRIT, and it's one excellent piece of history that just boggles the mind. Enjoy this light fare of fun and frivolity, as well as one weirdly bitter beverage that continues to stun tastebuds wherever a bottle might be opened, as Josh Noel and I run in all directions with Malört!

Show: Pint O' Comics


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