WESU Archives: Acoustic Blender - lotta Dylan

Episode Info

Acoustic Blender - Folk, Americana, bluegrass et al

Original Aired:
Tuesday, October 25th, 2016
5:05PM to 9:00PM

3 hours, 55 minutes

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 6:30PM



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Episode: Acoustic Blender - lotta Dylan

 ACOUSTIC BLENDER tonight and be warned a long one it is. From 5:05 - 9pm! Let's start off with an hour or so of music from the current winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, but we'll also hear a set of songs about the Republican nominee for president, some Halloween songs, some new music from folks like Mike Vial, Courtney Granger, Katherine Rondeau, The Savage Hearts, Kenny White, music from folks playing in the area like Christine Lavin, Arlo Guthrie, Archie Fisher, Bob Weir, and Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards at The Parlor Room, a birthday set with Minnie Pearl (she'd be 104 today), Tom Petty, Sonny Terry, Wanda Jackson .... and a lot more to fill a four hour slot!

WESU 88.1 FM streaming and archived at www.wesufm.org. Don't forget, tune in early and stick around! Oh, and to pledge to support WESU? Go to http://www.wesufm.org/pledge/ and ease your mind!

Show: Acoustic Blender - Folk, Americana, bluegrass et al

 Folk, bluegrass, blues ...ROOTS. The concert listing at 7pm,  ticket giveaways, live local and national touring musical guests. On Facebook as Acoustic Blender - WESU FM, Middletown CT

Episode Hosts