WESU Archives: Pint O' Comics Episode 163 w/Thom Zahler

Episode Info

Pint O' Comics

Original Aired:
Sunday, December 6th, 2020
6:30PM to 7:30PM

1 hour

Sunday, December 6th, 2020 6:30PM

thomzahler loveandcapes idwpublishing cupidsarrows mylittlepony timeandvine longdistance raider


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Episode: Pint O' Comics Episode 163 w/Thom Zahler

A solo evening of Sir Jon who hosts comics creator Thom Zahler, known for his immensely entertaining series LOVE AND CAPES, the recent CUPID'S ARROWS, and other gems you can learn about during the course of the show. Thom shares some fun stories that make for great radio, so sit back and enjoy two guys yammering it up about comic books, superheroes, romance, and that powerhouse IP, My Little Pony.

Show: Pint O' Comics


WESU's home for exploring greater geekdom. From comic books to movies to music and beyond, join Sir Jon and a bevy of guests every Sunday night as they discuss new projects and old favourites.

Episode Hosts