WESU Archives: Pint O' Comics Episode 338 w/ Samuel Sattin

Episode Info

Pint O' Comics

Original Aired:
Sunday, July 21st, 2024
6:30PM to 7:30PM

1 hour

Sunday, July 21st, 2024 6:31PM

comics animation anime manga unico unicoawakening scholasticbooks osamutezuka tezuka unicorn


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Episode: Pint O' Comics Episode 338 w/ Samuel Sattin

 Eisner Award nominated writer Samuel Sattin joined the show to discuss his upcoming work from Scholastic, UNICO: AWAKENING. Unico is a character your host had little to no knowledge of, being an Osamu Tezuka creation from the mid-seventies. The new graphic novel with art by the award winning Gurihiru team is a new continuation of Unico's adventures, aimed at a younger audience but effectively readable by nearly all ages. Unico is a magical unicorn that's made a few enemies just by being NICE. There's an awful lot of core morals to Unico and it's one breath of fresh air to read about a brave and beatific character like Unico. Sam Sattin and his art team really stand out here, and I think his creator would be quite proud of the ambitious achievement within. Learn along with me as Sam and I get heavy into manga, comics, and cute unicorns for an hour!

Show: Pint O' Comics


WESU's home for exploring greater geekdom. From comic books to movies to music and beyond, join Sir Jon and a bevy of guests every Sunday night as they discuss new projects and old favourites.

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